Intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF to patients with age related macular degeneration (AMD) or diabetic macular edema (DME) is a demanding service in Hong Kong. HKU Ophthalmology introduced the Treat and Extend protocol in the Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster (Grantham Hospital and Queen Mary Hospital) and cut down the waiting time of antiVEGF injection service. The success of the Treat and Extend protocol was acknowledged by the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong. Our retina team, led by Dr Nicholas Fung, was bestowed with the Outstanding Team awards in 2019 and in 2020. HKU Ophthalmology has helped introduce 3 anti-VEGF drugs to Hong Kong and conducted multiple clinical trials investigating their safety and e�cacy on a variety of macular diseases. 在香港,向黃斑部病變(AMD)或糖尿病黃斑水腫 (DME)患者進行玻璃體注射抗血管內皮生長因子 治療是一項艱鉅的任務。香港大學眼科學系在醫 院管理局港島西聯網(葛量洪醫院和瑪麗醫院)引 入了延伸治療方案,並縮短了玻璃體注射抗血管 內皮生長因子治療的輪候時間。有關方案成功得 到香港醫院管理局的認可。我們由馮兆基醫生帶 領的視網膜團隊分別於2019年和2020年榮獲傑 出團隊獎。此外,香港大學眼科學系已成功將3 種抗血管內皮生長因子藥物應用在香港市場,並 進行了多項臨床試驗,以研究它們對多種黃斑疾 病的安全性和有效性。 3. Anti-VEGF injection services – Meeting the unmet needs 玻璃體注射抗血管內皮生長因子治療 ⸺ 滿足未被滿足的需求 Macular degeneration Intravitreal injection 34 Community and Charity Clinical Services 社區及慈善臨床服務