The Innovation and Technology Scholarship aims to provide recognition to outstanding undergraduates in universities in Hong Kong as well as opportunities of widening their international / Mainland exposure and gaining industry experience. We are very proud that 6 of our department's students were awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship in the past 3 years. Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2022 – Wong Ho Lam (MBBS Class of 2023 and MRes[Med] candidate in Department of Ophthalmology) Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2021 – Chau Yat Che (MBBS Class of 2022 and undergraduate research intern in Department of Ophthalmology) – Poon Hiu Ling (MBBS Class of 2023 and MRes[Med] candidate in Department of Ophthalmology) – Chui Siu Wa (BBiomedSc Class of 2024 and undergraduate research assistant in Department of Ophthalmology) – Chu Wang Yee (MBBS Class of 2025 and MRes[Med] candidate in Department of Ophthalmology) Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2020 – Dr Kwok Sum Sum (MBBS and MRes[Med] graduate in Department of Ophthalmology) From le� to right: Mr Chu Wang Yee, Dr Kwok Sum Sum, Ms. Poon Hiu Ling, and Ms Chau Yat Che 左至右: 朱宏懿,郭琛琛醫生,潘曉鈴,周逸姿 創新科技獎學金旨在表揚香港本地大學的優秀 本科生,以及擴展他們的國際/內地接觸和獲得 行業經驗的機會。本學系很榮幸在過去的三年 中,有6位本科生榮獲了創新科技獎學金。得獎 同學包括郭琛琛醫生(2020得獎者), 周逸姿 (2021得獎者),潘曉鈴(2021得獎者),徐韶華 (2021得獎者),朱宏懿(2021得獎者)及黃浩霖 (2022得獎者)。 7. Innovation and Technology Scholarship Awards Scheme 創新科技獎學金 From le� to right: Mr Wong Ho Lam, and Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor (Chief Executive of Hong Kong) 左至右: 黃浩霖,香港特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥 47 HKU Eye Center Inaugural Report The University of Hong Kong