Covid-19: HKUMed at the Vanguard

» Media outlets: Hundreds of interviews have been given to local and international media by HKUMed experts (including, for example, Professors Ben Cowling, Keiji Fukuda, Ivan Hung, Jin Don-yang, Gabriel Leung, John Nicholls, Malik Peiris, Leo Poon and Yuen Kwok-yung); opinion pieces have also been contributed. » Outlets include some of the top news organisations in the world, such as BBC, CNN, CCTV, NHK, Al Jazeera English, Reuters, Der Spiegel, The Financial Times, La Repubblica and The New York Times. A full list is on pages 34-35. » The School of Public Health and HKU Journalism and Media Studies Centre held a joint workshop, “Learn to Decode What You Hear about Covid-19” that was livestreamed on March 30 and is available on YouTube. » Nowcasts: The HKUMed-WHO Collaborating Centre has organised several live “nowcasts” to provide updated information to the media and the public. These have covered such topics as the likely extent of the Wuhan epidemic in January and its forecast spread; a real-time situation report on the reproductive number in March; superspreading and epidemiologic updates in June; and universal testing and vaccine procurement in September. 28