Covid-19: HKUMed at the Vanguard

HKUMed set up a website where it has gathered, in one place, all of our research findings, announcements, advice and materials on COVID-19. All initiatives described on these pages can be found there, with updates. Please visit Dedicated COVID-19Website As the COVID-19 epidemic grew, our social media accounts kicked into action to provide a steady-stream of the latest science-backed information. The aim was to ensure individuals and the media had a reliable place to go for facts in the face of misguided or false information that has been circulating. HKUMed has accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and YouTube. Postings have ranged from our latest research findings to short videos on keeping COVID-19 at bay (see opposite page) to profiles of our researchers. We have used the accounts to target specific audiences. For instance, on Twitter, which is used to communicate with international and English-speaking audiences, we posted the infographic “Disinfectant suitable for surfaces (not for Social Media drinking)” to address misinformation that drinking bleach could cure COVID-19. On Facebook, which is a major platform for communicating with people in Hong Kong, we posted “What should you do if a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 is in your building?” to address concerns related to the fact that most people here live and work in high-rises and share common areas. Since January, our social media sites have received a combined number of over 37 million impressions across platforms. 30