Covid-19: HKUMed at the Vanguard

Scientific information presented in a clear, easy-to-understand format, is critical to public health. People need to understand measures they can take to protect themselves and their families, and to separate fact and fiction. To address the COVID-19 challenge, HKUMed has developed infographics and videos, had our experts respond to people’s questions and concerns, and created materials for children so they, too, can learn how to stay safe. » Healthographics: These are infographics that provide a snapshot of key information and advice, such as how to practice social distancing, the meaning of “effective reproduction number”, what disinfectants can work against the virus, and the latest research findings from HKUMed. They are produced in English and Chinese. » Multilingual Tips: Selected healthographics have been translated into nine other languages in collaboration with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. The languages include Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai. » #askHKUMed: Questions submitted by the public via Twitter are answered by HKUMed experts in short, 1-2 minute videos. Examples include whether COVID-19 is airborne, whether it affects men and women differently, the best way to protect seniors post- lockdown, where the virus may have come from, whether children and healthy people should wear a mask whenever they go outside, comments on control measures in other countries, whether it is advisable to travel, etc. » Interactive Materials: Game-based and other engaging options have been developed to help people of all ages understand how to be safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include bingo, children’s games such as spot the difference and find the match, and colouring pages. Just the facts, in plain language 31