Covid-19: HKUMed at the Vanguard

pushed forward new ways of teaching, such as developing online bedside teaching. We are likely to see a flourishing of these kinds of innovations moving forward. None of these things would be possible without the dedication and energy that every member of the Faculty has provided during this period. Many of the adaptations required in teaching and research have required intense team-based work and a reshuffling of research priorities. Many of our staff have also been working in hospitals alongside our graduates and other medical professionals at the frontline, who have been heroic in the face of a moving target. We will continue to devote resources and effort into tackling COVID-19, but at the same time, our longer-term aims are undiminished. We will continue with our research programmes into other conditions and diseases, continue our programme to build new facilities, and continue to provide our students with a fantastic education that was recently commended in a review by the Medical Council of Hong Kong. The whirlwind of COVID-19 may have upended the whole world, but at HKUMed it has added oil to our engine. Hopefully, the world can tilt back upright again – vaccines will certainly help and HKUMed is working to make a contribution here – but it should also be acknowledged that we face a new normal. Wearing face masks, practicing hand hygiene and adhering to social-distancing measures in response to intermittent outbreaks are likely to be part of everyday life. The world, and even HKUMed, may not go back to the way we were, but the rapid way in which we have been able to adjust and continue to thrive gives hope that the future can be bright again. Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean of Medicine 07