HKUMedUG2023-Full ebook

590+ 45+ 50+ 230+ 370+ 300+ 120+ Students went overseas in Service / Humanitarian Work Intercalation Research Attachment Countries/regions across 5 continents for Intercalation, Research Attachment and/or Service/Humanitarian Work Participating local / overseas NGOs such as PathFinders, Salvation Army, and Caritas Hong Kong, Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation, Hong Kong Red Cross and International Care Ministries Students went on exchange in 26 countries / regions Top-notch overseas institutions including University of Cambridge, Harvard Medical School, King's College London, Queen Mary University of London and The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Research projects at labs of HKU or renowned institutions such as Yale University, The University of British Columbia, Stanford University and The George Institute for Global Health Degrees earned (including intercalated degree and master’s degree) *Updated as of February 2023 UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2023 12