
new resources. We also embrace peer and near-peer teaching, which prepares today’s students to become tomorrow’s teachers. A near-peer teaching programme was initiated by senior students during the pandemic to help support pre-clinical students. It was so successful that it was extended to the early clinical years, with the Faculty offering training for peer teachers. As word has spread of the positive effects of peer teaching, other programmes have adopted this approach, such as Nursing, which organised a pilot peer tutoring programme this year. The broad appeal of student involvement led us to expand the SIME initiative in February this year to embrace all disciplines within the Faculty. It is now called Students in Medical and Health Sciences Education (SIMHSE) and it is lifting the bar of student involvement in learning across all undergraduate programmes. I mentioned student familiarity with technologies. We are all aware that generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and virtual and augmented reality are changing not only medical education, but medicine itself. To ensure our students have 9