
Campus Development & Infrastructure The final area I want to cover today is happening before your very eyes. We have been making many plans and preparations to expand and develop our campus these past few years so we can accommodate more students and staff and reach ever higher pinnacles of excellence. In the short term, existing facilities are being upgraded to accommodate new teaching technologies. Telepresence technologies were installed in several premises last year to virtually connect teaching venues for team teaching, distance training and interactive learning. The William MW Mong Block will now be renovated to offer more telepresence teaching venues and a clinical training centre with advanced simulation, VR and AR technologies. The work will start in the next couple of months. The Estates Building and Pauline Chan Building are also being refurbished to provide more laboratory and office spaces, with the work expected to be completed in these two years. This is an interim measure to tide us over until the new academic building is completed in a few years’ time. Our longer-term projects will give us room to expand. The Clinical Training and Amenities Centre will be built over the next few years to offer both training and residential space and support for medical students during the clinical years. And our proposed new academic superstructure on the other side of 3 Sassoon Road received Town Planning Board approval last year, to provide more space for both research and teaching. Beyond Sassoon Road, the redevelopment of Grantham Hospital is in good progress and will house the Jockey Club Centre for Clinical Innovation and Discovery and the Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care, both led by HKUMed. We are also investigating refurbishment of the Laboratory Block and redevelopment of the Patrick Manson Building. So rest assured – we will have space to grow and reach the heights to which we aspire. 25