
National • Professor Anskar Leung Yu-hung (Medicine, SClinMed) and his team received RMB6.94M from the Minister of Science and Technology National Key Research & Development Programme for the project ‘血細胞類群發育 及互作異常在相關疾病發生發展過程中的作用’ in 2023. Local Extramural • Professor Chen Zhiwei (Microbiology, SClinMed) has been awarded HK$38.90M under the Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus (RAISe+) Scheme of the Innovation and Technology Commission for Phase 1 of the project ‘Research and development of the lead Δ42PD1 antibody drug as an immunotherapy against cancers and infections’. • The following Faculty members have been granted a total of HK$27.37M from the Collaborative Research Fund 2023/24 by Research Grants Council: – Professor Chak-sing Lau (Medicine, SClinMed) Project: Integrating genetic, transcriptomic, and clinical studies for SLE to achieve personalized treatment of the disease based on predisposition, early manifestation, and molecular and cellular signatures (HK$6.48M) – Professor Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee (Biomedical Sciences) Project: Establishment of a high-speed fluorescence image-enabled cell sorter system for multidisciplinary life science research (HK$5.50M) Major Research Support 46