
opportunities to master these new tools, we have also gathered interested students and teachers together to set up the Education Technology (EdTech) Team at HKUMed. Fittingly, it is headed by Professor Gary Lau Kui-kai, who is also the director of SIMHSE, so there is motivation from the top to find synergies between EdTech and SIMHSE. An example of that is the Techmezz, which opened last year to give students access to the latest virtual tools for understanding anatomy. It is now evolving into an incubation hub for students’ co-creation of teaching and learning activities. The Faculty also earmarked funding for GenAI projects initiated by students or by students with their mentors. Amidst all the excitement of new technologies, we have not lost sight of the fact that at the end of the day, it is still the people and the human touch that matter most in learning and patient care. Our students face enormous pressures, and we have adapted our curriculum and introduced support services to help them meet their psychological and emotional needs. As such, we have introduced a peer support element through Student Wellness Counsellors. More than 200 peer supporters to date have completed mental health first aid and other training. We are also working more broadly to establish a Doctor’s Day in Hong Kong, to recognise the tireless service of doctors and healthcare professionals. 10