
Partnership & Engagement One other dimension of togetherness is partnership and engagement. We need external stakeholders to provide us with opportunities for research collaborations and things like Enrichment Year placements. We also want to deepen our engagement with our alumni and the community, and with our partners in Mainland China. Some recent outcomes from our partnership efforts include new intercalation opportunities for MBBS Enrichment Year students with the University of Nottingham that will start in 2025-26, and a PhD articulation pathway with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine that will be available to selected students in the M24 cohort. Internships are essential in several of our programmes and the BBiomedSc programme has developed more choices for summer industry internships, the new BSc(Bioinformatics) is in the process of arranging industry internships, and the BASc in Global Health and Development has expanded the lineup of national and international agencies to serve as hosts for internships. The BChinMed has resumed summer exchanges on the Mainland and overseas, while the BPharm is expanding teaching and learning activities on the Mainland. 23