HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

16 “This year has an important inÅuence on my personal growth. I have a much better understanding not only about public health and also the public health responsibilities of a medical doctor ¯ I feel more competent in facilitating doctors to patients communication.” 7aul 3eung Intercalation - M7H at HKU, Hong Kong “I have learned much more than what I had expected from this attachment ¯ I had to try to think out of the box and to think of other ways to analyse the data or to interpret the results. This is the first research paper I have written as well.” 3aura Tsoi Research Attachment - Correlation between lumber lordosis measured by standing radiographs and supine MRI at Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, HKU, Hong Kong “This experience enabled me to gain exposure to several technological innovations such as machine learning, high intensity focused ultrasound, robotic surgery and others.” 5icole Hon Research Attachment - 3ong term morphological outcomes of sagittal and metopic craniosynostosis pa- tients within a -10 year follow up period at the Hospital for Sick Children, Canada “The enrichment activity not only enriched my medical knowledge but eXuipped myself with a set of life skills and broaden my horizon and social circle.” 1ohnny Chun Intercalation - HKUWW Exchange 7rogramme at King’s College 3ondon, UK “I chose to study science and religion, an interdisciplinary field involving the study of philosophy, theology and history of science. It was a uniXue opportunity to be taught by some of the most eminent professors in the field and discuss ideas with them.” Stephanie 3eung Intercalation - Course on Science and Religion at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, a partner institution of the University of Cambridge, UK “My internship at Path-inders has indeed opened my eyes to the struggles and challenges faced by our future patients, and this will definitely improve the way I interact and empathise with their plight as a medical doctor in the future.” 5icole 5gai Service Humanitarian Work - Internship at 7athFinders, Hong Kong “This placement is definitely an unforgettable and precious part of my ,nrichment @ear ¯ I would say I have achieved my aspiration, and have brought much more than expected by home.” Chloe Yeung Service Humanitarian Work - Internship at Yangon .eneral 5orth Okkalapa Hospitals, Myanmar