HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

3 MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN Professor Gabriel M Leung Dean of Medicine The COVID-19 pandemic has upended life across the planet, but it has also alerted the whole world that good healthcare and healthcare policies, underpinned by trained professionals, is critical in allowing the wheels of society to keep functioning. HKUMed is one of the top schools in the world for providing that training. Our undergraduate programmes welcome students of academic excellence who have the passion and drive to better their society. In return, we provide a world-class education and abundant opportunities for personal and professional development. We have six programmes that produce not only registered practitioners, but researchers and policymakers, too. You will find details about them in this prospectus. The professional programmes include medicine (MBBS), nursing (BNUrs), Chinese medicine (BChinMed) and pharmacy (BPharm), while biomedical sciences (BBiomedSc) offers career pathways in biomedicine and health science, and global health and development (BASc) focuses on policies and strategies. Within each programme, we offer diverse modes of teaching and learning which have been further refined and advanced under COVID-19. We had already begun to incorporate e-learning tools, such as e-lectures and online quizzes and, more recently, virtual reality (which is used in anatomy class), before the pandemic struck. Expect to use these and many other innovative tools when you study at HKUMed. Diversity is also valued in our student body. HKUMed admits students of excellence from all kinds of backgrounds and, through the University, provides a range of scholarships and other support. Learning alongside people who have had vastly different experiences from your own is an opportunity to gain new understanding of the world. We place great emphasis on such enrichment and hope that other forms, such as international and Mainland China exchanges, can be revived when the pandemic is under control. Your safety is our top concern and once that is guaranteed, we will be keen to help you broaden your horizons and experiences as much as possible. If you are curious, passionate and intelligent, and looking for opportunities to make real contributions to the world while also developing your character, you will find your match at HKUMed. We are consistently placed among the top three medical schools in Asia and top 30 in the world because we strive hard to be the best. We will do all we can to ensure you do, too. I hope to see you at HKUMed.