HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

52 CORE COURSES FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES MAJOR The core courses are divided into introductory and advanced levels. Introductory Courses The introductory courses consolidate students’ knowledge of anatomy, human biology, human physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology which are all necessary to understand the basis of human biology and processes that are essential to life. Students are required to complete the following introductory courses! ࠮ Introduction to Human Anatomy and 7hysiology ࠮ 7erspectives in Biochemistry ࠮ Biostatistics ࠮ .eneral Chemistry I Foundations of Chemistry ࠮ Basic Biomedical 3aboratory Techniques Advanced Courses The advanced courses provide students with a foundation in the cellular, molecular and genetic basis of human diseases, as well as strategies for diagnosis. In the last year of study, students are required to undertake a final year project or the Biomedical Innovation Team 7roject. The Final Year 7roject constitutes a capstone experience for students, allowing them to integrate their knowledge and apply experimental and informatics skills to solve defined problems by research. The Biomedical Innovation Team 7roject provides a capstone experience for students, allowing them to integrate their knowledge in biomedical sciences previously acquired, and knowledge in business and marketing introduced in this course to translate biomedical research to viable products. Students are required to complete the following advanced courses! ࠮ Molecular Diagnostics 3aboratory ࠮ Final Year 7roject Biomedical Innovation Team 7roject Example courses! ࠮ Human Anatomy ࠮ Biomedical 7harmacology ࠮ 7hysiological Basis of Health and Disease ࠮ Introduction to Clinical Research ࠮ Exercise 7hysiology ࠮ Human .enetics ࠮ Fundamentals of Clinical Trial Management ࠮ 7hysical and Health Benefits of Exercise ࠮ Research Methods in Medicine and Health Sciences plus any four of the following! ࠮ Medical Microbiology ࠮ Molecular Biology of the Cell ࠮ Mechanisms and 7athology of Diseases ࠮ Infection and Immunity ࠮ Biomechanics and Biomedical Technologies ࠮ Sequence Bioinformatics ࠮ Biopharmaceutical Research and Development ࠮ Emerging Infectious ࠮ Molecular 5euroscience ࠮ Biological Basis of Exercise and Health ࠮ Exercise and Chronic Disease