HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

65 BASc(GHD) MINOR OPTIONS AND ELECTIVES Students can plan their study with the remaining 90 credits in various manners, such as taking a minor, and/or electives offered within the BASc(.HD) curriculum or those offered in other curricula across Faculties. Within BASc(.HD) curriculum, the minor options offered include! Minor in Global Health Example Courses: ࠮ Environmental change and socio-political conÅicts ࠮ Theories and global trends in urban development ࠮ The role of innovation and technology in shaping directions of health and development Minor in Global Development in Asia Example Courses: ࠮ Economic development ࠮ Introduction to international relations ࠮ .lobal political economy ࠮ The role and impact of private sector in health and development Claudia Lam BASc(GHD) Year 2 “*lobal health is interdisciplinary, it is not Must about health ş it is social, political, and is closely related to the world economy. That’s why global health is always relevant and studying BASc(GHD) in HKU allows us to explore the field further.” photo credit! U5 photo 1oao Araujo 7into