HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

5 HKUMed is the longest established institution of higher education in Hong Kong and is well-known as a pioneer in medical education, training and research, while proudly upholding a reputation for morality, vision and care. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings has consistently ranked us one of the top in Asia in the category “Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health subjects”. We admit about 580 students to our six full-time undergraduate programmes each year. They are part of the contingent of about 2,900 undergraduate students studying in our Faculty in any given year. We also count about 1,700 postgraduate students in our student body. Teaching is conducted by more than 400 full-time, highly-qualified teaching staff who come from our 14 departments and 4 schools, alongside about 3,000 honorary teachers, most of whom are doctors and medical professionals in public hospitals or private practitioners. The excellence of the education we provide can be seen in our graduates, who have gone on to be leaders in their fields, in Hong Kong and the world. Research is an important part of HKUMed’s reputation and we are always looking ahead to discovering the next breakthrough and improvement in people’s lives. Our researchers are provided with funding, facilities and other support to explore new frontiers of knowledge, and to collaborate with world-class scholars. We have a constant stream of activities for initiating contacts, sharing ideas, embarking on new research, and giving and receiving feedback. HKUMed also delivers superlative clinical service and provides robust clinical governance in all settings that we serve. The HKU Health System oversees the Faculty’s clinical enterprises and provides a one-stop service that integrates clinical staff and healthcare organisations with patients. Our four affiliated hospitals offer valuable opportunities for students to learn more and learn better, and for the Faculty to be a pioneering leader in healthcare management in Hong Kong and the region. Beyond the classroom, laboratory and clinical setting, HKUMed has been at the forefront in providing relief in crises and direction on medical and health policies. Our members engage in a wide range of activities to share their knowledge and expertise to benefit Hong Kong society as a whole. We are also active on the national and global stages, reaching out and engaging with other academics, governments and international institutions to advance global health and medicine. ABOUT HKUMed