HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

73 You may apply to stay in one of the residential halls or colleges, which are situated on the main campus, Pokfulam Road, Lung Wah Street and Sassoon Road. These residences vary in style and character. Most of the study-bedrooms are shared by two students but there are also single rooms. Two residences are under the Faculty’s management: the Madam S H Ho Residence for Medical Students (RMS), which accommodates 163 students in single rooms, and the Patrick Manson Student Residence (PMR), which accommodates 124 students in shared bedrooms. Senior medical students undergoing clinical training at Queen Mary Hospital are required to stay at RMS or 7MR during specific specialty clerkships. These residences allow more medical and nursing students to be close to QMH for their clinical training. Accommodation AffiOiated +osSitaOs Our teaching hospital Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) is not only the main regional hospital for Hong Kong Island but is also a tertiary referral centre for the whole territory. Most of the Faculty’s clinical departments are located at QMH. A lot of learning also takes place here, supported by the many lecture theatres, seminar rooms and other teaching facilities at QMH. HKUMed students are also taught in other Hospital Authority hospitals. You may also have opportunities to learn at three private hospitals, The Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, and the University of Hong Kong–Shenzhen Hospital which are all key partners of the Faculty in teaching, training and research, under the HKU Health System.