HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

74 SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES 1,100+ 270+ Scholarships Awards Valued 2Yer +. in Prizes Awardees in Scholarships and prizes are awarded to students as a reward of outstanding academic achievement, providing students with financial aids for covering cost of tuition, accommodation, enrichment activity and or other expenses in university life. Students with financial difficulties are supported to pursue their studies and expand their ambitions. With generous donations from a large number of patrons and distinguished graduates, more than 160 scholarships and prizes are designated to our HKUMed students. Entrance Scholarships Upon admission to HKUMed, a wide range of Entrance Scholarships are offered to students with outstanding results in open examinations and to degree holders with excellent academic performance. To promote equal learning opportunities, underprivileged students could be supported by Springboard Scholarships schemes. These schemes are often renewable annually within the normative study period, subject to satisfactory academic performance. Enrichment Scholarships Enrichment Scholarships aim to support students’ participation in service and humanitarian work, research attachments, exchange programmes or experiential learning activities. The value of scholarship is based on students’ academic merit, financial needs, and or the activity’s learning objectives, duration and destination, etc. Prizes Around 110 priaes are offered to students in HKUMed, in recognition of their academic excellence and community engagement. Prizes are often awarded based on students’ exceptional performance in course assignments, essay writings, assessments, competitions, etc. Financial Aid Students in need of financial assistance to help cover the costs of their university education will find a number of options available to them. The University offers loans and bursaries for needy students supplemental to the Government Loans and Grants, while HKUMed provides emergency loans to students under special circumstances.