HKUMed UG Prospectus 2020

76 STUDENT ORGANISATIONS The vast variety of student-run organisations at HKUMed offer the opportunities for you to extend the academic experience beyond the classroom. The societies for all students of the Medical Faculty and respective programme foster a spirit of comradeship and professional unity in the field of medical education and health care professionals. You may also join other societies of your interest to engage with your fellows, volunteer in healthcare-related activities, or simply just to have fun! ࠮ Medical Society, HKUSU ࠮ 5ursing Society, MS, HKUSU ࠮ Chinese Medicine Society, MS, HKUSU ࠮ 7harmacy Society, MS, HKUSU ࠮ Biomedical Sciences Society, MS, HKUSU ࠮ .lobal Health Development Society ࠮ Caduceus Editorial Board, MS, HKUSU ࠮ Health Committee, MS, HKUSU ࠮ Health Exhibition Committee, MS, HKUSU ࠮ 7rime Care (HK), HKUSU ࠮ Medici Cantano Joint-University Societies To widen their horizon, our students are equally active beyond HKUMed. Pariticipating in the joint-university societies, they are exposed to various opportunities to interact with medical students and professionals from other institutions of the region, to cultivate knowledge and to serve the community. ࠮ Asian Medical Students’ Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK) ࠮ Doctor of Excellence ࠮ Hong Kong Student Association of 5euroscience ࠮ Medical Outreachers Hong Kong ࠮ Medical Students’ 7aediatrics Association ࠮ Student Surgical Association of Hong Kong