HKUMed UG Prospectus 2022

Year 3 Enrichment Year Years 1—2 Pre-clinical Curriculum ࠮ 0U[YVK\J[PVU [V [OL (Y[ HUK Science of Medicine ࠮ :`Z[LT IHZLK )SVJRZ Years 4—6 Clinical Curriculum ࠮ *SPUPJHS -V\UKH[PVU )SVJR ࠮ *SPUPJHS *SLYRZOPWZ ࠮ 4)): ,SLJ[P]L The structure is as follows: An Illuminating Six-Year Quest The MBBS curriculum runs for six years, or 12 semesters. The delivery of the MBBS 140 Curriculum is structured along the “140+ CORE situations” as the backbone. CORE being “Common situations pertaining to Ordinary clinical settings, in which students are expected to acquire the Relevant knowledge, skills and behaviour that are Essential MVY JVTWL[LU[ HUK L[OPJHS WYVMLZZPVUHS WYHJ[PJL¹ 0U 4)): 0 HUK 00 LTWOHZPZ PZ WSHJLK VU PU[LNYH[PVU VM IPVTLKPJHS ZJPLUJLZ PU H WH[PLU[ VYPLU[LK HWWYVHJO HSPNULK ^P[O [OL *69, ;OL *SPUPJHS *SLYRZOPWZ 4)): 0= [V =0 MVJ\Z VU understanding the Principles of Medicine and Healthcare, with Readiness for Practice in authentic clinical settings as the ultimate curriculum goal. 2