HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

8 Feature Getting Her Sea Legs Aboard a Floating Book Fair Phoebe Fung Sze-nga is stepping away from medicine entirely to spend her Enrichment Year on board Logos Hope, a floating book fair that sails around the world to bring books and knowledge to people in different ports and share a Christian message. The ship is manned by about 400 volunteers from more than 60 countries, and this autumn and winter, it will be sailing around Central and South America. Phoebe stepped on board in late summer and was assigned to the cleaning department. “It is a truly humbling experience, but I am also able to see how every single role on the ship is important. The community on board is extremely close. Even though we come from different cultural backgrounds, everyone is very supportive to each other,” she said. She chose the option carefully to meet her goals of broadening her perspectives, interacting with people from different backgrounds, and making the most of this welcome change from the intensive first two years of study. “I felt that the packed curriculum was worth it to have an entire year away to broaden our horizons and learn outside the classroom,” she said. The greatest difficulty was to discover what exactly I wished to do. I wanted to use the time in the most rewarding way possible. ─ Phoebe Fung Sze-nga