HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

17 Medical Faculty News Professor Ivan Hung is a Clinical Professor at the Department of Medicine and is Assistant Dean (Admissions) at the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He is also an Honorary Consultant at Queen Mary Hospital (QMH), and a dual specialist in Infectious Diseases and Gastroenterology & Hepatology. After joining the Faculty's Deanery in 2016 as Assitant Dean (Clinical Curriculum & Assessment), Professor Hung revamped the MBBS Integrated Block into the Clinical Foundation Block that prepares students for clinical training after their Enrichment Year. He also rejuvenated the Faculty's Problem-Based Learning Curriculum, of which he is also Chairman. He is a supervisor and an examiner for both MD and PhD students of the Faculty. He is a certified Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills (PACES) examiner for the UK's Royal Colleges of Physicians, and trainer and examiner for two Specialty Boards, in Infectious Diseases and Gastroenterology & Hepatology, of the Hong Kong College of Physicians. Recently, Professor Hung became a member of the China Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals for Residency Education and the Education Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, and has represented the Faculty at both. He is a member of the Education & Accreditation Committee and the Licentiate Examination Sub-committee of the Hong Kong Medical Council. His research areas include vaccinology against influenza and hepatitis B, innovative treatment of severe influenza and the prevention of pneumococcal infections, and the treatment of resistant Helicobacter pylori infection. He and his team have pioneered the use of topical imiquimod before intradermal influenza and hepatitis B vaccination, and were the first to prove convalescent plasma and H-IVIG reduced mortality in patients with severe influenza in prospective clinical trials. Professor Hung is the Board and Founding Member of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders, and a member of eight international advisory boards for vaccines and infectious diseases. He is a referee for the National Medical Research Both my parents were inspired and inspiring teachers. They were always mindful of the dictum that to teach is to touch a life forever. I hope this Endowed Professorship will serve as a beacon to all the teachers in the Faculty. Professor Felice Lieh-Mak Endowed Professor Ru Chien and Helen Lieh Professorship in Health Sciences Pedagogy 列汝儉列黃瑞容基金教授席 (健康科學教育學) Professor Ivan Hung Fan-ngai (孔繁毅) My research focuses on vaccinology and anti-viral treatment in influenza infection. Our new strategies in using the cocktail combination of anti- viral treatment and also the influenza vaccination strategies have been shown to reduce the mortality and hospitalisation rate of elderly patients. As well as looking for strategies to cure and prevent influenza infections, I am also very interested in teaching the next generation of young doctors and scientists in disease preventions. They will be the future doctors and professors saving lives in Hong Kong. ─ Professor Ivan Hung Council, Singapore and a member of the HMRF Grant Review Board, Food & Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR. He has published more than 170 international peer- reviewed original articles and is a regular reviewer of top journals, including The Lancet and Annals of Internal Medicine , and is on the editorial boards of other journals. He was ranked in HKU's top 1% scientists in 2013, with a current H-Index of 37.