HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

21 Medical Faculty News Professor Ian Wong is Co-Director of the Centre for Safe Medication Practice and Research (CSMPR), the Head of the Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacy, and holder of the Lo Shiu Kwan Kan Po Ling Professorship in Pharmacy at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He was the Head of Research Department of Practice and Policy at the UCL School of Pharmacy, London. His expertise is in children's health, using big data research to investigate optimum use of medications for children, and formulating and producing new medications for treatment of various conditions such as epilepsy, arthritis and acute pain in young patients. As part of this work, he conducts research at Queen Mary Hospital to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medication in patients with these and other illnesses. He is also involved in key research into medication safety, and cardiovascular and metabolic pharmacology. Professor Wong qualified as a pharmacist in 1992 and received his PhD from The University of Manchester in 1998 for his work at the David Lewis Centre for Epilepsy. In 2002, he was appointed as the Founding Director of the Centre for Paediatric Pharmacy Research at the School of Pharmacy, University of London, and the UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is recognised as a leading research centre in medicines for children. After joining HKU in 2011 as Head of the Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Professor Wong led the accreditation of the BPharm programme by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong. He was also responsible for setting up the newMaster of Clinical Pharmacy programme and the CSMPR. He has set up an international collaboration with the UCL School of Pharmacy in big data research. Professor Wong has also advised the Departments of Health in England and Hong Kong, the World Health Organization, the European Medicines Agency, and the pharmaceutical industry. He has 220 peer-reviewed papers published in prominent journals and is an Executive Editor of British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology . Professor Wong was cited among the top 1% of scholars in the Clarivate Analytics’ Essential Science Indicators in 2015, 2016 and 2017. In recognition of his research, Professor Wong has received numerous awards for his work as an academic Endowed Professor Lo Shiu Kwan Kan Po Ling Professorship in Pharmacy 羅肇群簡寶玲基金教授席 (藥劑學) Professor Ian Wong Chi-kei (黃志基) My research is in clinical pharmacy. The focus of my work is to optimise the use of medicine in patients by giving them the best formulation and the best dosage and to reduce the side effect. In particular in children with epilepsy or ADHD, I create new formulations and also looking at the dosage so that they can have the best treatment. I also use the big data to investigate the side effect of medicine in children and the elderly. The result of one of my projects had led to the development of a new medicine for children with epilepsy and is now used globally. ─ Professor Ian Wong We are pleased to support the University in its effort to nurture the medical elites of tomorrow. It is our hope that this Professorship will further add to the strengths of educational development at the University. Mr Lo Shiu-Kwan and Ms Kan Po-Ling pharmacist. He was awarded the Chemist and Druggist Pharmacy Practice Research Conference Medal from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in 2004, an Honorary Fellowship from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the UK in 2011, an Honorary Fellowship from the College of Pharmacy Practice in Hong Kong in 2013, and a Fellowship from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in 2013. He is the only pharmacist to date to have received a UK Department of Health Public Health Career Scientist Award in 2002.