HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

29 Medical Faculty News The HKU Summer Institute, in collaboration with Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, organised a Young Medical and Healthcare Professional Summer Programme. This is a new seven-day programme designed to give Secondary 4 and 5 students the chance to explore their potential and interests for careers in the medical and health sciences. The school students interacted with Faculty members, leading experts, and current students at HKU, learning more about medical and related disciplines, and life at HKU. They also participated in a Day of Mindfulness at Tsz Shan Monastery on July 21, 2018. Dr Li Ka-shing (李嘉誠) added his encouragement and joined the students for a group photograph. Summer Programme Inspires School Students on Medicine and Health Sciences Professor Gabriel M Leung (梁卓偉) , Dean of Medicine, led a delegation to visit Australia from August 18 to 22, 2018, for exchanges with alumni and students of the HKU medical and other faculties. The delegation also included Emeritus Professor Rosie Young Tse- tse (楊紫芝) , Department of Medicine; Professor Chan Ying-shing (陳應城) , Associate Dean (Development and Infrastructure) of the Medical Faculty; and Professor Bernadette Tsui Wing-suen (徐詠璇) , Director of Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKU. The group met with members of the Sydney and Melbourne alumni associations. Professor Leung introduced the Faculty’s latest developments, including the “2021+” development blueprint and a number of extension projects, as well as the innovative “Enrichment Year” for undergraduate students, and shared highlights of the Faculty’s 130th anniversary celebrations last year. Dean Leads Visit to Alumni Down Under HKU Medical Faculty launched the “130 Curriculum” in the 2016/17 academic year for students of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Programme (MBBS). Under the new curriculum, the third year has been designated as the “Enrichment Year”. The first cohort of third- year MBBS students to benefit from this development started their Enrichment Year in July 2018, many setting off for exchanges with prestigious universities around the world. Professor Leung visited the HKU medical students who are now pursuing Enrichment Year studies at The University of Sydney to give them encouragement and support. He also gave a speech at that university’s prestigious ST Lee Lecture, focusing on public health policy, and joined discussions with faculty and students.