HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

32 Inside The Faculty The full-day Area of Excellence Scheme Research Symposium on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) was held on June 22, 2018, at HKU. Three international speakers, from Canada, UK and USA, joined the seven local speakers from two universities to give talks on basic and clinical studies on NPC and Epstein- Barr Virus. Nearly 100 overseas and local participants attended. HKU Hosts Area of Excellence Scheme Research Symposium on NPC and Epstein-Barr Virus The 23rd Hong Kong Medical Forum was held on May 5-6, 2018, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre with a record of over 2,300 registrations. The Organising Committee was chaired by Professor David Siu Chung-wah (蕭頌華) . Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee (陳肇始) , Secretary for Food and Health, gave the opening remarks. The programme included two plenary lectures, namely the David Todd Distinguished Lecture given by Professor Mary Ip Sau- man (葉秀文) and the Richard Yu Lecture by Professor Chan Tak-mao (陳德茂) , and a Symposium co-organised by Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. Thirteen overseas experts participated, including Dr Felix Chua of Royal Brompton Hospital, UK; Professor Jamie Coleman of University of Birmingham, UK; Professor Maxime Dougados of René Descartes University, France; Professor Albert Ferro of King's College, London, UK; Professor Richard Holt of University of Southampton, UK; Professor Christine Jenkins of University of New South Wales, Australia; Professor Mikhail Kosiborod of University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA; Dr Liao Bin-chi (廖斌志) of National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan; Professor Theresa McDonagh of King's College, London, UK; Dr Ken Redekop of Erasmus University, The Netherlands; Professor Nicolas Roche of University of Paris Descartes, France; Professor Hong Kong Medical Forum Attracts Record Audience Donald Singer of Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, UK; and Professor Christoph Wanner of University Hospital of Würzburg, Germany. Together with the local speakers they covered a comprehensive range of topics across various disciplines in medicine.