HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

36 Inside The Faculty Building on an exceptional response to the Roundtable Series with Movers and Shakers in Global Health, the School of Public Health continued the series by inviting distinguished public health experts to share their insights in global health and to engage in dialogue with students, staff and the public. Three panel discussions were held on March 28, April 23 and September 3, 2018, featuring Professor Ala Alwan , Regional Director Emeritus of the World Health Organization (WHO); Dr Margaret Chan Fung Fu- chun (陳馮富珍) , immediate past Director-General of the WHO; and Dr Marc Sprenger , Director of the WHO Secretariat for Antimicrobial Resistance. Global Public Health Experts Join Movers and Shakers Series Professor Lam Ching-wan (林青雲) focused on diagnostic odyssey in the Research Grants Council public lectures on genetics, DNA therapy and personalised medicine/novel cancer treatments, at the Hong Kong Science Museum. Diagnostic odyssey refers to a delay of years between disease onset and the time final diagnosis is established, and is mostly due to challenges posed by the rarity of the diseases. His lecture, titled “Rare Diseases and Undiagnosed Diseases Programme”, explained that by using clinical whole genome and exome sequencing approaches, genetic pathologists could end diagnostic odyssey through identification of disease-causing genes in families with rare diseases. There are 7,000 rare diseases affecting 300 million people worldwide, of whom 10 million are estimated to be in Mainland China. Public Lecture Explores Diagnostic Odyssey The Hong Kong-Beijing-Taiyuan Medical Forum, co-organised by the Department of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Peking University First Hospital and Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, took place in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China, on September 1, 2018. Speakers and chairpersons from HKU included Professors Mary Ip Sau Man (葉秀文) , James Chim Chor-sang (詹楚生) , Pearl Pai Ming-chu (白明珠) , Richard Yuen Man-fung (袁孟峰) , Drs Gu Jianfen (顧 建芬) , Christopher Hui Kim-ming (許建 名) , Gary Lau Kui-kai (劉巨基) , Macy Lui Mei-sze (雷美詩) and Kelvin To Kai- wang (杜 啟 泓) . The forum was attended by more than 150 healthcare professionals, mostly from Taiyuan and its vicinity. Team from Department of Medicine Participates in Taiyuan Forum