HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

The HKU Public Health Alumni Society hosted several events in the summer to bring alumni together and provide opportunities to network and mingle with professionals in other fields. A private screening of Blue Planet II was organised in partnership with BBC Earth on June 29, 2018, followed by an interactive dialogue with Professor Lam Chiu-ying (林超 英) , Honorary Professor of The University of Hong Kong and former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, on sustaining planetary health. A career seminar was also held on July 20, 2018, with emerging public health leaders, who shared their career aspirations and insights with current students and alumni. HKU Medical Alumni Association (HKUMAA) held its 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Faculty on July 23, 2018. In the election held at the meeting Dr Barbara Lam Cheung-cheung (藍章翔) was re-elected President, while Dr Laurence Shek Siu-lam (石兆林) and Dr Janice Tsang Wing-hang (曾詠恆) were re-elected Vice-Presidents. Dr Cindy Lai Kit-lim (黎潔廉) was re-elected as an Executive Committee Member. The new Executive Committee is: After the AGM, Dr Leo Wong Kwai-kuen (黃貴權) , MBBS 1959 alumnus and a seasoned photographer, delivered an after dinner talk entitled 「 永恆的瞬間 」 . Dr Wong shared his life-long passion for photography through a number of stunning photographs capturing the beauty of nature. More than 120 alumni, members of the Faculty and friends enjoyed the occasion. HKUMAA Executive Committee 2018-2019 President Dr Barbara Lam Cheung-cheung (藍章翔) Vice-President Dr Laurence Shek Siu-lam (石兆林) Dr Janice Tsang Wing-hang (曾詠恆) Honorary Secretary Dr Kevin Lau Chung-hang (劉仲恒) Honorary Treasurer Dr Matthew Tsui Sik-hon (徐錫漢) Members Dr Kingsley Chan Hau-ngai (陳厚毅) Dr Ko Wing-man (高永文) Dr Cindy Lai Kit-lim (黎潔廉) Dr Libby Lee Ha-yun (李夏茵) Dr Donald Li Kwok-tung (李國棟) Dr Emmy Li Yuen-mei (李琬微) Professor Keith Luk Dip-kei (陸瓞驥) Dr Lawrence Tee Man-fai (鄭文輝) Dr Victor Yeung Hip-wo (楊協和) Ex-officio Dean Professor Gabriel M Leung (梁卓偉) Immediate Past President Dr Kathleen So Pik-han (蘇碧嫺) Planet’s Well-being Featured in Public Health Alumni Society Summer Events HKUMAA 18th AGM and Photography Inspiration by Dr Leo Wong Kwai-kuen Alumni News 42