HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

7 Medical Faculty News Studying Humanities at Oxford Hayley Ip Hoi-ning was clear about how she wanted to use her Enrichment Year – to pursue subjects that would let her a step beyond the medical curriculum yet still maintain a connection to her chosen major. She is spending a year as a Visiting Student at St Catherine’s College, Oxford University, where she is studying Human Sciences. “Medicine has never been just about the science for me and I hope to experience the best of both worlds by studying a humanities-based subject which is closely related to the sciences,” she said. Human Sciences uses an interdisciplinary approach to study the evolution of humans and their behaviour, molecular and population genetics, population growth and ageing, ethnic and cultural diversity, and human interaction with the environment. Moreover, the learning format involves weekly one-to-one tutorials with professionals in the field on topics related to Hayley’s interests. “It won’t be easy adapting to this format but I believe it will be a very exciting and rare experience,” she said. It is one of the curveballs she looks forward to encountering during her year. “It’s impossible to be fully prepared for the year ahead and that’s the exciting part.” This is an opportunity to delve into subjects I have always been passionate about but had not had the time to explore as much as I would like. ─ Hayley Ip Hoi-ning