
8 Feature Professor Lo said while there is still much work to do, there was also much to be proud of. “We are at the vanguard of local healthcare reform and it is not always easy. We have to endure patients’ disappointment and worse because we do things differently than what they have been used to. And we have had to slowly change the culture and attitude of both staff and patients. But it has been worth the pain because we have introduced modern, evidence-based measures,” he said. “If I were working solely as a surgeon, I could only save one life at a time. But here we have the potential to save millions of lives by helping to reform and improve the whole healthcare system.” 1 The 2017 International Green Healthcare Forum was held at HKUSZH on October 29, 2017. 『 2017 國際綠色醫療論壇」於 2017 年 10 月 29 日在香港大學 深圳醫院舉行。 2 Professor Lo Chung-mau and one of his Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery team members at HKUSZH. 盧寵茂教授與香港大學深圳醫院肝膽胰外科團隊其中一 位成員。 1 2