Medical Faculty News v25i1

Biography 簡歷 Professor Michael Huen received his doctorate degree from HKUMed in 2006, and trained with Professor Junjie Chen as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Mayo Clinic (Minnesota, USA) and later at Yale University (Connecticut, USA). He joined the former Department of Anatomy, HKUMed in 2009 and was promoted to Professor of School of Biomedical Sciences in 2019. Professor Huen is also currently Assistant Dean (Innovation and Technology) of HKUMed. Professor Huen’s main research focus is on DNA damage detection and repair control. His research team employs multi-disciplinary approaches to identify key players and events that drive genome integrity protection. Aside from its direct implications in human health and disease, insight in the regulation of DNA repair also contributes to the operational framework of emerging methodologies in gene-editing and gene replacement therapies in the biotechnology industry. 禤 承恩教授於2006年獲頒港大醫學院博士學位,之後遠赴美國明尼蘇達州Mayo Clinic 及在康涅狄格州的耶魯大學進行博士後研究。2009年他加入港大醫學院的解剖學系(前 稱),並於2019年晉升為生物醫學學院教授。 禤 教授目前同時為港大醫學院助理院長(創 新及科技)。 禤 教授的主要研究重點是DNA損傷的檢測和修復機制,其研究團隊採用跨學科的方法, 找出與保護基因組完整性有關的新元素。他的研究除了對人類健康和疾病有直接影響, 對於修復DNA機制的深入探討,在建立生物科技領域中的基因編輯和基因替代療法等 新興研究方法的運作框架,尤其貢獻良多。 Honours and Awards 榮譽與獎項 2022 Co-Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Genomic Instability Gordon Research Conference (基因組不穩定性)聯席主席 2018 Co-Vice Chair (Elected), Gordon Research Conference on Genomic Instability Gordon Research Conference (基因組不穩定性)獲選擔任聯席副主席 2014 - 2015 Outstanding Young Researcher Award, HKU 香港大學傑出青年研究學者獎 2012 - 2013 Early Career Award, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong 大學教育資助委員會傑出青年學者計劃獎 2007 - 2009 Anna Fuller Fund Fellow, Yale University, Connecticut, USA 美國康涅狄格州耶魯大學安娜·富勒基金會研究員 17 Medical Faculty News