Medical Faculty News v25i1

Biography 簡歷 Dr Tommy Lam Tsan-yuk received his BSc (Bioinformatics) and PhD (Molecular Virology) at HKU, and had postdoctoral training in Pennsylvania State University and University of Oxford. His main research interest is the evolution, epidemiology and ecology of infectious diseases. He uses integrative genomic approach to determine the patterns, drivers and mechanisms of the emergence of pathogens, especially those at human-animal interface including influenza viruses and coronaviruses, as well as some bacterial pathogens and their antibiotic resistance emergence. He is also leading the development of several computational methods and tools for the genomic analysis in the research community. Dr Lam is currently Assistant Professor of the School of Public Health. 林讚育博士在香港大學獲取生物訊息學理學士學位和分子病毒學博士學位後, 遠赴美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學和英國牛津大學接受博士後培訓。他的主要研究 範疇是傳染病的演化、流行病學和生態學。林博士利用綜合基因組學方法了解尤 其是人畜傳染介面的新發病原體(如流感病毒和冠狀病毒)的演化模式和傳播機 制,以及一些細菌性病原體及其對抗生素所出現的耐藥性。他亦領導研究團隊研 發能用於基因組分析的計算方法和工具。林博士現時是公共衞生學院助理教授。 Honours and Awards 榮譽與獎項 2019 Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China 國家自然科學基金「優秀青年科學家基金」(港澳) 2017 National Science and Technology Progress Award (Special Award) 國家科學技術進步獎(特等獎) 2010 Newton International Fellowship from The Royal Society, UK 英國皇家學會牛頓國際研究獎學金 2008 Novartis Vaccines Award for Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases from International Society for Infectious Diseases 國際傳染病協會諾華疫苗獎(傳染病流行病學) 2016-2019 Ranked top 1% scholars at HKU, measured by Essential Science Indicators 根據基本科學指標被列為首1%引用最多的香港大學學者 2016 & 2017 Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, HKUMed 港大醫學院優秀研究著作獎 2014 Research Output Prize, HKU 香港大學最佳研究著作獎 25 Medical Faculty News