Medical Faculty News v25i1

Biography 簡歷 Dr Victor Lee Ho-fun is currently Clinical Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Oncology, and Assistant Dean (Assessment), HKUMed. He graduated from HKUMed in 2002. He then received residency training in clinical oncology in Tuen Mun Hospital and then joined the Department of Clinical Oncology, HKUMed in 2008. He obtained his fellowship in Royal College of Radiologists in Clinical Oncology in 2010. Afterwards, he received further specialist training in Institut Gustave Roussy, Stanford University and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. He had obtained an MD in his alma mater in 2015 for his research on nasopharyngeal cancer. His current interests include radiation dosimetric studies on head and neck and nasopharyngeal cancer, genetic and molecular studies on head and neck and lung cancer, stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy, and selective internal radiation therapy for liver tumours. 李浩勳醫生為港大醫學院臨床腫瘤學系臨床 副教授,他同時身兼醫學院的助理院長(考核)。 李醫生在2002年畢業於港大醫學院,隨後 在屯門醫院接受臨床腫瘤駐院醫生實習培 訓,並於2008年加入港大醫學院臨床腫瘤學 系。2010年,他取得英國皇家放射科學醫學 院臨床腫瘤科院士資格。其後他於法國的古 斯塔夫•魯西研究所、美國史丹福大學和加拿 大多倫多瑪嘉烈公主癌症中心接受進一步的 專科培訓,並於2015年在港大醫學院以鼻咽 癌研究取得醫學博士學位。 李醫生的研究範疇包括有:治療頭頸和鼻咽 癌的放射治療劑量學;治療頭頸和肺癌的遺 傳和分子學研究;立體定位放射手術及立體 定位消融放射治療;以及治療肝癌的選擇性 體內放射治療。 29 Medical Faculty News