Medical Faculty News v25i1

Biography 簡歷 Dr Carmen Wong Chak-lui graduated from The University of British Columbia (Canada) with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Immunology. She further completed her studies of Master of Science in Biotechnology at HKUST and Doctoral degree in Cancer Biology at HKU, where she developed strong interests and passion in cancer research. In 2009, Dr Wong was awarded the Croucher Foundation Fellowship to receive her post-doctoral training under the Nobel laureate Professor Gregg Semenza at The Johns Hopkins University (USA). Dr Wong is currently Assistant Professor of the Department of Pathology, HKUMed and Principal Investigator of the State Key Laboratory of Liver Research, HKU. Her main research interest focuses on tumour microenvironment formation, cancer metabolism and roles of hypoxia in cancer development. In 2017, Dr. Wong received the Croucher Innovation Award and HKU Outstanding Young Researcher Award. Dr Wong is also an elected member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences. 黃澤蕾博士於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 獲得微生物及免疫學學士學位之後,回港 在香港科技大學取得生物科技碩士學位, 再於港大醫學院獲取癌症生物學博士學 位。2009年,她獲頒裘槎基金會裘槎博士 後研究獎學金,隨即前往美國約翰·霍普金 斯大學,在諾貝爾獎得主Professor Gregg Semenza指導下從事博士後研究。 黃博士現時是港大醫學院病理學系助理教 授,也是港大肝病研究國家重點實驗室首 席研究員。她的主要研究範疇是腫瘤微環 境的形成、癌細胞的新陳代謝,以及缺 氧 對 發展中癌症的影響。2017年,她獲頒裘槎基 金會裘槎前瞻科研大獎及香港大學傑出青 年研究學者獎。 黃博士亦獲選為香港青年科學院會員。 Honours and Awards 榮譽與獎項 2019 Junior Investigator Award, International Liver Cancer Association 國際肝癌協會初級研究員獎 2018 Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, HKUMed 港大醫學院最佳研究著作獎 2017 Outstanding Young Researcher Award, HKU 香港大學傑出青年研究學者 2017 Croucher Innovation Award, Croucher Foundation 裘槎基金會裘槎前瞻科研大獎 2017 University of British Columbia (UBC) Alumni Builder Award 英屬哥倫比亞大學傑出校友獎 2014 Award of Young Researcher Career Development Scheme (YRCDS), The State Key Laboratory of Liver Research, HKU 香港大學肝病研究國家重點實驗室年輕研究員專業發展計 劃獎 2009-2011 Croucher Foundation Fellowship (for overseas postdoctoral fellow training), Croucher Foundation 裘槎基金會裘槎博士後研究獎學金 2009 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award (Life Science), Hong Kong Institution of Science 香港科學會香港青年科學家獎(生命科學) 2008-2009 Li Ka Shing Prize (for the best PhD thesis in the Faculties of Dentistry, Engineering, Medicine and Science), Graduate School, HKU 香港大學研究學院李嘉誠獎(最佳博士論文) 2008-2009 Dr KP Stephen Chang Gold Medal (for the best PhD thesis in Faculty of Medicine), HKUMed 港大醫學院 Dr KP Stephen Chang 金獎:最佳博士論文 43 Medical Faculty News