
ADVANCING THE FRONTIERS OF MEDICINE Taken together, the five research centres will provide a platform for HKU and Hong Kong to lead in several areas of biomedicine that have both local and global significance. Hong Kong and Mainland China weathered SARS and various strains of influenza long before COVID-19 and in response, HKUMed has developed deep expertise and a capacity for heightened vigilance and innovative research in infectious diseases. We are also at the forefront in liver cancer and liver disease, which are prominent in the region, as well as other forms of cancer and HIV. The Health and AIR@InnoHK initiatives will help to boost HKUMed’s continued efforts to develop new treatments and targets that can be quickly translated from the laboratory to the clinic. Within five years, the five centres together are expected to produce between 49 and 66 patents, 17-23 spin-off companies, and a cohort of young scientists trained in the most advanced technologies and approaches to biomedical research, among other results. “These will contribute not only to medical knowledge and patient care, but to the healthcare industry in the region, strengthening HKUMed’s position as a global leader,” said the Dean, Professor Gabriel Leung. “We now have the means to harness our expertise and take our place at the vanguard of medicine, where a future is dawning that will be profoundly revolutionary for human health. The fruits will be reaped in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and the world,” he said. 走在醫學科技前沿 上述五大研究中心,將共同為香港大學及香港 提供一個平台,讓我們在多個生物醫學範疇內, 成為本地及全球翹楚。遠在新型冠狀病毒出現之 前,香港及中國內地已經歷過沙士及多種不同流感 的疫情,為了應付這些高傳染性的病毒,醫學院 在預警及創新科研均有豐富的專業知識及能力。在 肝癌、肝病,以至其他癌症和愛滋病的研究,醫學 院亦傲視同儕,是亞洲區的領頭羊。 Health@InnoHK 和 AIR@InnoHK 創新平台 有助醫學院加強研發嶄新,又能迅速由實驗室 轉化到臨床使用的治療方法。未來五年,五間中心 預期開發 49 至 66 項專利, 17 至 23 間衍生公司, 及培育出一批接受過最先進生物醫學研究技術 和方法等培訓的年輕科學家。 醫學院院長梁卓偉教授表示:「我們不單 在醫療知識和治療方面,還會為區內醫療行業作出 貢獻,鞏固香港大學醫學院的全球領導地位。 現在,我們利用專業知識擔任醫學科技界的先鋒, 並在不久的將來為人類健康帶來革命性改變,不論 香港、大灣區及全世界都能享受有關成果和福祉。」 Feature 20