
繼往開來 醫學院在 Health@InnoHK 及 AIR@InnoHK 創新平台的成績,是建基於我們多年來孜孜不倦,努力 加強和鞏固在醫學前沿科研的能力。 僅在過去兩年,醫學院為「港大泛組學科研中心」 (前身為基因研究中心)重新定位,專注精準醫學研究, 以及採用全方位研究方向 , 掌握從胎兒以至出生後每個 成長階段的健康狀況。醫學院投放大量資源購入先進 儀器,包括建立全新的單細胞排序平台;加強在蛋白質 組學和代謝體學的研究效能;成立生物樣本庫,以及 提升發展生物資訊諮詢及進行原創研究的能力。 最近完成副院長(科研)六年任期的梁雪兒教授 強調:「我們已經準備就緒,亟待進行引領全球的醫學 科學研究。」 醫學院亦擴充了新的實驗室空間。分別位於瑪麗醫 院和汕頭大學 - 香港大學聯合病毒學研究院的兩個研究 傳染病病原體的實驗室已正式啟用,醫學院亦與香港 科學園合作發展香港首個採用符合「生產質量管理規範」 的幹細胞實驗室;沙宣道校園的新實驗室正在籌建, 為生產先進的治療劑作臨床試驗,並進行各式細胞治療 的先導實驗,目標是為香港和大灣區培訓新一代的 專業技術人員。 這些設施及其他計劃中增加的設施,不但會為五個 Health@InnoHK 和 AIR@InnoHK 創新平台的項目提 供支援,也會支援計劃在葛量洪醫院開設的香港大學 賽馬會臨床創新及研發中心(該中心會集中研發癌症治 療及護理),以及多個現時或未來進行的研究項目。 接替梁雪兒教授的新任副院長(科研)梁偉强教授, 將確保醫學院人員善用這些資源,充分把握科研機會。 他說:「這些資源不單加強醫學院的科研實力,亦提升 香港及大灣區在生物醫學技術界的地位。」 CREATING TRAJECTORIES HKUMed’s success in Health and AIR@InnoHK has been built on our ongoing efforts to solidify our capabilities at the frontiers of modern medical science. Over the past two years alone, HKUMed has re-positioned its Centre for PanorOmic Sciences (previously the Centre of Genomic Sciences) to focus on precision medicine and take a sweeping approach to health from pre-birth through the entire course of life. Substantial investments have been made in state- of-the-science equipment, including building new single-cell sequencing platforms; boosting our capabilities in proteomics and metabolomics; establishing a multi-disciplinary biobank; and expanding our bioinformatics consultancy and original research capabilities.. “We are now more well equipped and ready than ever to undertake research at the cutting edge of medical science,” said Professor Leung Suet-yi, who recently completed a six-year term as Associate Dean (Research) of HKUMed. New laboratory spaces have also been developed. Labs to study infectious pathogens have been installed at Queen Mary Hospital and the Shantou University-HKU Joint Institute of Virology and we are partnering with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park to develop Hong Kong’s first stem cell GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) laboratory. This new laboratory located at the Sassoon Road campus, is being developed to produce advance therapeutic agents for clinical trials, pioneer different cell-based therapies and train the next generation of technical experts for Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. These facilities, and others in the pipeline, will support not only the five Health and AIR@InnoHK projects, but also our planned HKU-Jockey Club Centre for Clinical Innovation and Discovery at Grantham Hospital which will focus on cancer treatment and care, and many other current and coming research programmes. Professor SY Leung’s successor, Professor Leung Wai- keung, will be ensuring that Faculty members make the most of the opportunities arising from these investments. “The output from these investments will strengthen not only the Faculty, but the biomedical technology industry in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area,” said Professor WK Leung. 21 Medical Faculty News