
Roundtable Series with Movers and Shakers in Global Health Building on the exceptionally positive response to the Roundtable Series with Movers and Shakers in Global Health, the School of Public Health continued the series by hosting interactive dialogues with public health luminaries from around the world. On September 26, 2019, the School of Public Health joined with the Asia Global Institute to host a panel discussion under the title "How to promote health and development that fosters inclusivity and reduces inequity?". The panel line-up included five AsiaGlobal Fellows: Ananth Krishnan , Visiting Fellow of Brookings India; Cecilia Milesi , Founder & CEO of Global Change; Victor Mponda-Banda , Policy Advisor of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa; Cilla Ng , Drug Control Officer of International Narcotics Control Board, United Nations; and Husein Reka , Chief Transformation Officer, Program for Health Assurance and Purchasing of Healthcare Services, Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia. The 7th Serena Yang Lecture The School of Nursing was delighted to welcome Professor Marion E Broome , Dean and Ruby F Wilson Professor of Nursing of Duke University School of Nursing, Vice Chancellor for Nursing Affairs of Duke University, and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for Nursing of Duke University Health System, to be the distinguished speaker at the 7th Serena Yang Lecture, held on September 30, 2019. Professor Broome spoke on the topic of "Innovation in Nursing: Health Care Analysis & Embracing Change in Education, Research and Practice". Her talk examined how current healthcare trends might influence how professional nurses practice in the near future. The School was also honoured to have Professor Vivian Lin Kwang-wen ( 林光汶 ) , Executive Associate Dean, HKUMed, deliver the welcoming remarks to attending guests. The Department of Pathology, HKUMed, organised a Trainee Presentation Session for specialist trainees from the Hong Kong College of Pathologists. The event gave the trainees a platform to develop a deeper understanding of their speciality and to hone their presentation skills. The session took place online on July 24, 2020, with oral presentations given by six selected trainees from the specialities of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Chemical Pathology, and Anatomical Pathology. Four college Trainee Presentation Session by the Department of Pathology fellows from different pathology disciplines acted as judges. 30 trainees participated in the session. Dr Tom Chung Wai-hin ( 鍾瑋軒 ) , Department of Microbiology, Queen Mary Hospital, under the supervision of Professor Yuen Kwok-yung ( 袁國勇 ) , Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases and Chair Professor of Infectious Diseases of the Department of Microbiology, HKUMed, was awarded best presentation for “Olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19 patients: observational cohort study and systematic review”. 29 Medical Faculty News