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and Boston, USA before joining HKU’s Department of Diagnostic Radiology in 2000, eager for the chance to do research. It was not all smooth sailing at first because the Faculty lacked its own diagnostic imaging machines (she had to use Hospital Authority machines when available). But around 2007, several things happened simultaneously that propelled her career. She completed her MD and was awarded the Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal for outstanding merit in her thesis. She was appointed department head, having spent a year as the Faculty’s Associate Dean for external relations. And the Faculty coincidentally received a donation of a PET/ CT scan, soon followed by acquisition of an MRI scanner, which she was tasked with managing. ‘It was exciting because we could start to build our own research based on this equipment,’ she said. The income from the machines enabled her to recruit more staff and the department grew from about three staff when she became head – the numbers fluctuated – to about 50 today, including clinician- academics, non-clinical scientists, postgraduate students and fellows, and support staff. Professor Khong switched her specialty to cancer research to make the most of the new equipment, but most of all she wanted her staff to shine. ‘My first priority has always been the department’s advancement rather than my own research.’ All these experiences, however, cannot overcome the lure of home. Professor Khong will join the National University of Singapore this year with the hope to grow their radiology department much as she has built up HKU’s, and spend more time with her family. It has not been an easy decision given the close relationships she has built with her colleagues in Hong Kong. ‘It’s hardest to leave behind my friends and colleagues – I treasure the times we’ve shared in the 30 years I’ve called Hong Kong my home,’ she said. ‘It’s been a really enjoyable and rewarding journey; what a privilege it’s been to serve at HKU.’ Feature Global Radiologists from 26 Countries Source: Carter et al, ‘Bridging the Gap: Identifying Global Trends in Gender Disparity Among Radiology Physician Workforce,’ Academic Radiology 25.8 (2018), pp. 1052-1061. ã0\ ðUVW SULRULW\ KDV DOZD\V EHHQ the department’s advancement rather than my own research.’ չ䧮♧㹁剚䪾㷸禺涸涮㾝佞㖈껷⡙ 搭䖕䩞罌䣂⦐➃涸灇瑖պ – Professor Khong Pek-Lan 㶰焗貽來䱇 16