HKUMed MFN v26i1

Dr He Mu ⡦漡 joined the School of Biomedical Sciences as Assistant Professor in January 2021. School of Biomedical Sciences Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry Clinical Associate Professor Dr Simon Lui Sai-yu ス⚆酕 joined the Department of Psychiatry as Clinical Associate Professor in October 2020. Dr David Lui Tak-wai ス䗞㪮 joined the Department of Medicine as Clinical Assistant Professor in March 2021. Department of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor Dr Sharon Chow She-wan ꀎ垲갚 joined the Department of Ophthalmology as Clinical Assistant Professor in November 2020. Department of Ophthalmology Clinical Assistant Professor Dr Lam Chor-yin 卌嘽颩 joined the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology as Clinical Associate Professor of Practice in January 2021. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinical Associate Professor of Practice Dr Li Xin 勛妇 joined the Department of Microbiology as Clinical Assistant Professor in April 2021. Department of Microbiology Clinical Assistant Professor Dr Rio Ryohichi Sugimura 勒勠畇♧ joined the School of Biomedical Sciences as Assistant Professor in December 2020. School of Biomedical Sciences Assistant Professor Dr Rubén Hervas Millan joined the School of Biomedical Sciences as Assistant Professor in March 2021. School of Biomedical Sciences Assistant Professor Dr Zheng Binbin ꁀ䕟䕟 j oined the Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education as Associate Professor in April 2021. BIMHSE Associate Professor 45