HKUMed MFN v26i1

倞ⱟ氻嫬氋䞕䳷爚✫ⵄ欽猰㷸湌㻌ぐ珏 ⨴䐁괐ꦖ涸ꅾ銴䚍⟃⿻䙐鋕ぐ珏陪贫涸㣐 ⽭堥度㣐ꄴ㷸ꤎ涸㷸罏㢵䎃⢵㖈涮植⿻锅叆 倞莇⫄厪氻㥶⡦꣈䱾⿻盘椚鸏❉氭氻倰꬗ 㨥穅琽驣걆㼬椕涸㖒⡙荈倞ⱟ氻嫬氋䞕旙 涮⟃⢵䧮⦛涸灇瑖䧭卓㾲栽⚆歲ぐ㖒㷸罏 佟䏎⿻㕜ꥹ穉籽䗚䒸⡲捀➮⦛䥰㼩氋䞕涸㼬 菕敚刿䕥곏䧮⦛剤ꡠ䊨⡲涸⭆⧩ 捀姽䧮⦛㢵⡙灇瑖罏剓鵜栽䖤㕜ꥹ钢 〳㖈䱺♴⢵涸㼠겗⚥䧮⦛㼟➝稲鸏❉䧭㽠 涸䍌䖕⸆茽⺫䭍 醎⨀㡦來䱇 ⿻ 盘鯩來䱇 Ⰽ ⡙鿪僽倞莇⫄厪氻灇瑖倰꬗껷㾅♧䭸涸㼠㹻 〥剤ⰗⰟ遽欰倰꬗涸獺㹐 䓹䕒來䱇 ➮⢵荈度 㣐㕼加䊨玑禺걆㼬⺫䭍度㣐ꄴ㷸ꤎ㷸罏涸㕰 ꥙灇涮✫䖰寓宐垺劥⚥增庠倞ⱟ氻嫬涸倰 岁 ꤫듳ꩯ來䱇 ⾲僽灇瑖崩䠮涸㼠㹻湡⵹걆 㼬涸㼠㹻㕰꥙䊺灇涮♧珏佪欽䓽㣐⡎㼿㖈庠 鑑ꥣ媯涸㑑뢙䒭倞ⱟ氻嫬氋蕑ⰗⰟ遽欰㷸ꤎ 悮捙俒來䱇 莅欰暟ꄴ㷸㷸ꤎ ꆄⱵ꧁來䱇 ⴕⴽ 窡硁Ⰽ갪剤ꡠ倞㘗ⱟ朜氻嫬氻涸灇瑖Ⱏ栽灇 须㽷丸妵馄麕 ⭚ 蠝⯋ꤎꟀ 哀⼾⨀來䱇 剤⟨⿮莅涸㕜ꥹ㕰꥙ⵄ欽侸亙ⴕ區灇涮〳 갸傍⩏庠倞莇⫄厪氻涸ⶾ倞倰岁⚛栽䖤 5IF 5SJOJUZ $IBMMFOHF ✳瘞栁 䧮⦛⛳暶ⴽ邍䳓㖈Ⱖ➮ꄴ㷸걆㚖邍植ⴀ 滞涸 闒颣䛸來䱇 莅 㶰焗貽來䱇 闒颣䛸來䱇㖈 欰暟㷸涸⼾馊䧭㽠栽䖤薊㕜㛇颶欰暟㷸剚涸 肥㹁⚛㼟倴 䎃捀鑪㷸剚涮邍⚺겗怵闍 㶰焗貽來䱇僽佞㼙鏻倬㷸禺涸禺⚺⟤剓鵜㽠 㥠㖈䲀⹛㥏䚍ㄤ❏酓➃㡦二⟤佞㼙屛派䌌倰 ꬗涸顀桐罜栽䖤㎗鏪 度㣐ꄴ㷸ꤎ阌ぢぐ⡙ず✲荞顭➮⦛涸뀺 ➃䧭㽠傂僽㕰꥙莅㣎⠶筝㺙ざ⡲涸䧭卓⛳ 畮飅爢剚ぐ歲涸佅䭰㖈鸏❉琽㔿涸㛇燊♳ 䧮⦛劍劆㖈ꄴ㷸莅ⰗⰟ遽欰倰꬗涰㽯疊걧刿 鹎♧姿ⶾ鸤刿㢵⼾馊涸ꅽ玑烵 TheCOVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of using science to monitor health threats and the dangers of ignoring its warnings. HKUMed scholars have for years been at the global forefront in identifying and investigating emerging infectious diseases and how to contain andmanage them. Since the pandemic outbreak, that work has proved its valuemany times over as other scholars, governments and international organisations have repeatedly referenced the findings in addressingCOVID-19. As a result, several of our researchers recently received international recognition. Over the next fewpages, wewill introduce the people behind these achievements, including ProfessorMalik Peiris and Professor Guan Yi , who are at the very top of the field of emerging infectious disease research; and Professor ZhangTong who, unusually for a public health contributor, is amember of the Department of Civil Engineering but has led a team includingHKUMed scholars to develop amethod of detectingCOVID-19 outbreaks from sewage samples. Professor ChenHonglin , originally an influenza expert, is now leading a teamof experts to develop a strong vaccine candidate for COVID-19 that can be administered nasally. Professor LeoPoon Lit-man of School of PublicHealth and Professor Jin Dong-yan of School of Biomedical Sciences are each leading a team of scientists onCOVID-related research, which have securedmore thanHK$110million from theResearchGrantsCouncil (RGC). Dean of HKUMed, Professor Gabriel Leung is among one of the scientists in the global team that has developed a trailblazing solution to detect novel infectious diseases using readily available data and analytics, which has earned them the second prize at The TrinityChallenge. We also highlight the international recognition received by Professor KathrynSongEngCheah and Professor Khong Pek-Lan , who are stellar examples of excellence in our other areas of expertise. Professor Cheah’s outstanding achievements in biological research has earned her theMedal Lecture Award from theBritish Society forMatrixBiology. Professor Khong heads theDepartment of DiagnosticRadiology andwas recently honoured for her leadership in the field, particularly her promotion of women andAsian radiologists. HKUMed congratulates our members on their achievements. Such excellence is only possible through strong teamwork and collaboration, backed by support fromsociety.With these foundations, we look forward tomaking further marks of greatness inmedicine and public health. Photos by: Ringo Tang (p. 11, 15, 19, 22) Lilo Wong (p. 20, p. 27 left) ,Eric Sin (p. 25) 9