
02 Figures: The Faculty in 2023 醫學院2023年回顧 04 The 211th Congregation 第211屆學位頒授典禮 06 Feature 專題故事 A Big Bang of Growth - The Ball is Rolling for HKUMed’s Expansion in Every Direction 運籌帷幄 再創高峰 港大醫學院拓展宏圖 28 Pandemic Research Alliance Signing Ceremony 「大流行病研究聯盟」簽署儀式 Quadripartite Collaboration on Healthcare Education 醫療教育四方合作 HKU Health System Clinical Centre and AHA International Training Centre at HKUMed 香港大學醫療系統臨床中心及 港大醫學院美國心臟協會國際培訓中心 30 Feature+ 專題+ Empowering Students as Active Partners of Change – Students in Medical and Health Sciences Education 學生主導 促進創新 ⸺ 師生共策教學 34 Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024 渣打香港馬拉松 2024 The Shaw Prize Lecture on Life Science and Medicine 2023 2023年度邵逸夫生命科學與醫學獎講座 Faculty Prize Presentation Ceremony & Spring Reception 2024 醫學院頒獎典禮及甲辰年新春團拜 36 Feature+ 專題+ 25th Anniversary of the School of Chinese Medicine – Globalisation of Chinese Medicine for the Common Good 扶康惠民譽全球⸺中醫藥學院25周年 45 HKUMed’s Community Services 醫學院社區服務 49 People First @HKUMed 「以人為本」關顧員工身心健康 51 Achievements 獎項與成就 61 Activities and Events 活動紀要 65 People 人物 Hello 新臉孔 Appointments and Promotions 任命與晉升 Thank You and Goodbye 感謝卸任學院成員貢獻 In Remembrance 永遠懷念 Alumni News and Reunions 校友活動及聚會 Student Achievements 學生成就 Student Activities 學生活動 82 Donations 捐贈者名單 1 HKUMed News Summer 2024