
Quadripartite Collaboration on Healthcare Education 醫療教育四方合作 Signing the MOU are (from right) Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, HKU; Professor Gilberto Leung Ka-kit, President, HKAM; Dr Tony Ko Pat-sing, Chief Executive, HA; and Professor Francis Chan Ka-leung, former Dean, CU Medicine. (右起)港大醫學院院長劉澤星教授、醫專主席梁嘉傑教授、醫管局行政總裁高拔陞醫生, 及時任中大醫學院院長陳家亮教授簽署四方合作備忘錄。 The Faculty entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM), Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine), and the Hospital Authority (HA) on 27 November 2023. The MOU aims to promote excellence in medical education, by organising regular Quadripartite Medical Education Conferences, and establishing a collaborative platform to explore and discuss issues concerning the healthcare sector and the evolving professional landscape in Hong Kong. The long-term aim is to develop a set of sustainable, adaptive and fit-for-purpose strategies in healthcare education and training. 學院在2023 年 11 月 27 日聯同香港醫學專科學院(醫 專)、香港中文大學醫學院(中大醫學院)及醫院管理局(醫 管局)簽署合作備忘錄,建立四方交流協作平台,透過定期 舉辦四方醫學教育會議,探討有關本港醫療業界和專業領域 相關的議題,並共同研究與制定可持續、具適應性且務實 的醫療教育和培訓策略。 The signing of the MOU: (front row, from left) Professor David Ho from Columbia University Irving Medical Center; Professor Sharon Lewin, Doherty Institute – University of Melbourne; Professor Wang Linfa, Duke-NUS Medical School; Professor Zhong Nanshan, Guangzhou National Laboratory; Professor Yuen Kwok-Yung, HKUMed; and Professor Zhang Linqi, Tsinghua University; witnessed by (back row, from left) Professor Roger Wu, Columbia University Irving Medical Center; Professor Chen Xinwen, Deputy Director, Guangzhou National Laboratory; Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, HKU; and Mr Sim Zhimin, Director (International Partnerships and Strategy), Tsinghua Medicine, Tsinghua University. (前排左起) 創會成員代表哥倫比亞大學醫學中心何大一教授、墨爾本大學―杜赫提研究所 Sharon Lewin教授、杜克―新加坡國立大學醫學院王林發教授、廣州國家實驗室鍾南山教 授、港大醫學院袁國勇教授,以及北京清華大學張林琦教授簽署合作備忘錄;由(後排左起) 哥倫比亞大學醫學中心Roger Wu教授、廣州國家實驗室副主任陳新文教授、港大醫學院院 長劉澤星教授,以及清華大學醫學院戰略規劃與國際合作辦主任沈智敏先生,一同見證。 Pandemic Research Alliance Signing Ceremony 「大流行病研究聯盟」 簽署儀式 On 4 December 2023, six leading institutions launched the Pandemic Research Alliance (PRA), the first alliance of its kind bringing together scientists from Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and the US, and anchored by Professor Yuen Kwok-Yung of HKUMed and acclaimed Columbia University AIDS treatment and research pioneer Professor David Ho, to drive concerted research into respiratory viruses from animals to humans, improved surveillance, and new solutions to better manage the next pandemic. 六所頂尖研究機構於2023年12月4日共同成立「大流 行病研究聯盟」(PRA),為首個匯聚澳洲、中國內地、香港、 新加坡和美國科學家的聯盟,由學院微生物學家袁國勇 教授和哥倫比亞大學愛滋病研究權威何大一教授發起,以 推動有關呼吸道病毒人畜傳播的研究協作,提升新發傳染 病的監測能力,及開發嶄新解決方案,冀能更有效應對未 來可預期的疫情爆發,減輕其對全球健康的影響。 28