
Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024 渣打香港馬拉松 2024 The Shaw Prize Lecture on Life Science and Medicine 2023 2023年度邵逸夫生命科學與醫學獎講座 Over 300 HKUMed staff, students and alumni formed the ‘HKUMed Marathon Team’ for the races on 21 January 2024, cheered on by over 100 HKUMed friends. The participants gathered after the race to celebrate their achievements. 逾300位醫學院師生校友組成「醫跑聯盟」,於2024 年1月21日挑戰各項賽事。過百位醫學院友好更組成啦啦 隊,為跑手熱烈打氣。一眾參加者賽後相聚慶功,為大家 的努力舉杯喝采。 Hosted by the Faculty, the Lecture was held on 13 November 2023, featuring two Shaw Laureates in Life Science and Medicine 2023: Professor Patrick Cramer, Director, Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences and President of the Max Planck Society, Germany; and Professor Eva Nogales, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA. The lectures attracted more than 160 professionals and students. 是次講座於2023年11月13日舉行,由2023年度邵逸 夫生命科學與醫學獎兩位得主Patrick Cramer教授(德國馬 克斯普朗克多學科科學研究所分子生物學系主任暨馬克斯普 朗克學會主席)及Eva Nogales 教授(美國加州大學伯克萊 分校分子與細胞生物學系生物化學、生物物理和結構生物學 傑出教授)主講,吸引了逾160位專家學者及學生參加。 (From left) Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine; Professor Eva Nogales; Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU; Professor Patrick Cramer; and Professor Danny Chan, former Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences (左起)院長劉澤星教授、Eva Nogales 教授、港大校長張翔教授、Patrick Cramer教授 及時任生物醫學學院院長陳振勝教授 34