
Faculty Prize Presentation Ceremony & Spring Reception 2024 醫學院頒獎典禮及甲辰年新春團拜 The Faculty Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 21 February 2024 to recognise the exceptional achievements of our staff and students. There were 607 prizes this year, and the Ceremony was attended by nearly 500 prize winners, presenters and distinguished guests. 學院頒獎典禮於2024年2月21日 舉行,今年共頒授607個獎項,近 500名得獎者及來賓出席。 The Faculty’s annual Spring Reception was held on the same evening. Nearly 300 guests, donors, honorary teachers, staff, alumni, students and friends of the Faculty gathered together to celebrate the Year of the Dragon. After delivering the welcoming remarks, Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, and Professor Leung Suet-yi, Faculty Board Chairman of HKUMed, invited other representatives to join in a toast, including Ms Priscilla Wong Pui-sze, Chairman of the HKU Council; Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU; and members of the Senior Management Team of HKU. The event was also graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including Dr Libby Lee Ha-yun, Acting Secretary for Health; Dr Amy Chiu Pui-yin, Controller, Regulatory Affairs of the Department of Health; Dr Tony Ko Pat-sing, Chief Executive of Hospital Authority; Dr Leong Che-hung, former Chairman of HKU Council; HCE/CEO/Medical Superintendent of our teaching hospitals; and a number of former Deans of Medicine. 2月21日當晚亦是一年一度的醫學院新春團 拜,近300位嘉賓、善長、名譽教員、教職員、 校友、學生和學院友好聚首一堂,共慶龍年。 院長劉澤星教授向來賓致歡迎辭後,與院 務委員會主席梁雪兒教授邀請一眾港大及港大醫 學院代表一同祝酒, 包括港大校務委員會主席 王沛詩女士、港大校長張翔教授,以及港大中 央管理小組成員。 其他嘉賓包括署理醫務衞生局局長李夏茵 醫生、衞生署規管事務總監趙佩燕醫生 、醫院管 理局行政總裁高拔陞醫生、前港大校務委員會主 席梁智鴻醫生、各教學醫院院長或行政總監,及 多位港大醫學院前院長等。 35 HKUMed News Summer 2024