
HKUMed’s Community Services 醫學院社區服務 ‘Generations Connect’ 「耆青連心樂融融計劃」 Hepatitis C Virus Screening and Treatment for Persons in Custody 在囚人士丙型肝炎篩查先導計劃 Supported by Sino Group and the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation, the School of Nursing launched the two-year project ‘Generations Connect’ in early 2023, in collaboration with 11 charitable and non-government organisations. Over 1,000 health professional students and volunteers provided health assessments, mental health education, assistance in accessing the eHealth platform and other timely support to 10,000 older adults. The clinical data compiled will be leveraged for a study on community interventions to promote healthy ageing in Hong Kong. 獲信和集團及黃廷方慈善基金支持,護理學院與11間 社福及非牟利機構合作,於2023年初展開為期兩年的 「耆青連心樂融融計劃」。超過1,000位醫護學生及義工為 10,000名長者提供健康評估、精神健康教育資訊、電子 健康應用及其他適時支援。所得的臨床數據,將用於社區 介入的相關研究以促進長者健康。 The HKUMed Hepatology team initiated a three-year hepatitis C virus (HCV) micro-elimination pilot programme in October 2023, in collaboration with the Correctional Services Department, to provide rapid screening for HCV to eligible persons in custody on a voluntary basis. Timely treatment was subsequently offered for diagnosed HCV cases at a success rate expected to exceed 90%. The aim of the project is to work towards the goal set by the World Health Organization of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030. It is also in line with the Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020-2024. 港大醫學院肝臟科研究團隊與懲教署於2023年10月 合作,以「目標群組消除」策略在懲教所展開為期三年的 丙型肝炎(丙肝)篩查先導計劃,為自願參與計劃的合資格 在囚人士進行檢測,從而為丙肝帶病毒者提供抗病毒藥物 治療,治癒率期望可逾九成。此社區服務既配合20202024年度香港病毒性肝炎行動計劃,亦朝著世界衞生組 織2030年消除病毒性肝炎的目標邁進。 45 HKUMed News Summer 2024