
‘World Cancer Day’ and ‘World Palliative Care Day’ Activities 「世界癌症日」及「世界紓緩關懷日」活動 ‘SUPPORT+’, an initiative of the Department of Clinical Oncology, Centre of Cancer Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, organised a fai chun writing activity in January–February 2024 at Queen Mary Hospital during World Cancer Day to distribute auspicious messages written by a Chinese calligrapher while sharing cancer care information. On ‘World Palliative Care Day’ on 14 October 2023, the ‘SUPPORT+’ team co-organised an online sharing session with ‘CancerInformation.com.hk’ and charitable body ‘Forget Thee Not’ to share experience and exchange ideas on the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of the critically ill and their caregivers. To support advanced cancer patients and their families, the team developed the ‘SUPPORT+’ mobile app a few years ago, which records patients’ symptoms and connects them with healthcare professionals, and provides information on palliative care and hospice services. 適逢新春佳節,臨床醫學學院癌症醫學中心臨床腫瘤 學系的項目「家支援」於本年1至2月在瑪麗醫院設立2024 年「世界癌症日」互動展區,團隊邀請了書法家即席揮毫 寫揮春,並在現場介紹癌症相關資訊。而在2023年10 月 14日的「世界紓緩關懷日」,「家支援」聯同「癌症資訊網」及 慈善團體「毋忘愛」, 舉行「紓緩家支援 同行毋忘愛」網上 分享會,與各界交流分享面對癌症危疾時,病者與照顧者 在身心社靈各層面的需要和安排。 臨床腫瘤學系團隊研發的「家支援」社區紓緩治療應用 程式已推出數年,旨在支援社區晚期癌症病人及其家庭, 供患者紀錄症狀、聯絡醫護人員,並提供有關癌症、紓緩 治療和安寧服務資訊。 46