
‘Together We Care for Stroke’ Exhibition 「風與同路」關注中風健康展覽 ‘Little Dr Flu’ Workshop 「港大流感小博士」工作坊 In support of World Stroke Day on 27 October 2023, the Stroke Research and Prevention Group (HKU Stroke), The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, The Hong Kong Stroke Association and the Swire Properties Community Ambassador Programme jointly launched a three-day exhibition, called ‘Together We Care for Stroke’, at Cityplaza to provide the latest information on stroke prevention and management through health checks and counselling. In addition to public education, advocacy campaigns and exhibitions, HKU Stroke strives to improve the well-being of stroke patients and caregivers through medical research and the development of multimedia-rich education materials to empower stroke patients and carers with evidence-based interventions and assessments, such as the ‘WeRISE’ and ‘SmartRehab’ mobile apps. 為響應2023年10月27日世界中風日,學院的中風研究組、香港復康會及 新健社,聯同太古地產愛心大使計劃在太古城中心舉行一連三天的健康展覽, 為市民提供有關中風護理及預防的最新資訊,並提供免費健康檢查及諮詢服務。 除舉辦公眾教育、宣傳活動和展覽,中風研究組亦致力透過醫學研究及多媒體 教育平台,為中風患者及其照顧者提供實證為本的介入和評估,以改善他們的生 活質素。由中風研究組開發的流動應用程式包括「風起航」及SmartRehab。 Organised by the School of Public Health, this knowledge-exchange workshop aims to raise awareness of microbial agents, and stimulate interest and provide in-depth understanding of molecular biology and scientific research for primary and secondary school students. Based on tailor-made research topics, the participants can try to culture small bacteria, or design and execute related experiments. The participating students will also serve as ambassadors to share related knowledge with the community. After a hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop resumed in early 2024 to include COVID-related elements other than influenza, such as rapid antigen tests. 此知識交流活動由公共衞生學院舉辦,目的是提高中 小學生對微生物病原體的認識,啟發他們對分子生物學和 科研的興趣,並對之作深入了解。研究主題為參加者度身 訂造,讓他們親身體驗細菌培殖,甚至設計與實踐有關實 驗,完成工作坊的「小博士」更會擔任大使,在社區分享所 得知識。活動至今已超過十年歷史,疫後於2024年初復辦, 除流感外亦加入新冠疫情元素,如新冠篩檢測試等。 47 HKUMed News Summer 2024