
Disclaimer 聲明: The information is solely for the purpose of promoting academic exchange. The published project/ research titles are based on input from the professoriate/ teaching/ research staff involved. 內容僅為促進學術交流。科研項目/研究的題目由相關教授/教學/研究人員提供。 Special Grand Prize – Prize of the China Invention Association and Gold Medal 特別大獎「Prize of the China Invention Association」及金獎 • Bionic Liver-in-Cube: A Comprehensive Precise Theranostics for Liver Cancer and Diseases 仿生肝立方:肝癌和肝病的全面精準 診療平台 Professor Man Kwan (Surgery, SClinMed) and team 臨床醫學學院外科學系萬鈞教授及團隊 Special Grand Prize – Prize of the Malaysian Delegation and Silver Medal 特別大獎「Prize of the Delegation of Malaysia」及銀獎 • ‘Reduce and Remove’ Trimodality Strategy for Advanced Liver Cancer - the START-FIT approach 先縮後除肝癌治療三部曲 Professor Albert Chan Chi-yan (Surgery, SClinMed) and Professor Chiang Chi-leung (Clinical Oncology, CancerMed, SClinMed) 臨床醫學學院外科學系陳智仁教授和 臨床醫學學院癌症醫學中心臨床腫瘤學 系蔣子樑教授 Awards Garnered by Faculty Members at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva: 學院成員於第49屆日内瓦國際發明展所得獎項: MAJOR AWARDS / Gold Medals 金獎 • Human Alveolar Epithelial-capillary Model for Lung Injury Assessment and Drug Screening Professor Michael Chan Chi-wai (Public Health) 公共衞生學院陳志偉教授 • Risk Assessment Platform for Tropism and Disease Severity of Respiratory Viruses Professor Michael Chan Chi-wai and Professor Kenrie Hui Pui-yan (Public Health) 公共衞生學院陳志偉教授及許珮茵教授 • Scalable Wafer-scale Ultra-flat Ultraflexible Diamond Membrane Professor Chu Zhiqin (Biomedical Scieneces; Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKU) and team 生物醫學學院、港大電機電子工程系 褚智勤教授及團隊 Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury 「評判特別嘉許金獎」 • Vitogram®: AI-enabled Heart Health Monitoring on a Mobile Device Vitogram®:人工智慧手機心臟健康 監測技術 Professor Joshua Ho Wing-kei (Biomedical Sciences) 生物醫學學院何永基教授 • SmartRehab – An Automated Telerehabilitation Solution 自動化 遙距復康應用程式 Members from HKU Stroke (Medicine, SClinMed) and Sport AI Laboratory (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKU), in collaboration with The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 臨床醫學學院內科學系中風研究組 及港大電機電子工程系運動人工智能 實驗室與香港復康會 • Broad-Spectrum Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines (BSTCV) for Solid Tumours Professor Huang Jiandong (Biomedical Sciences) and PhD candidate Li Renhao (Medicine, SClinMed) 生物醫學學院黃建東教授及臨床醫學學院 內科學系博士研究生李任豪 • Development of Non-invasive Rapid Test for DNA, RNA, and Protein Markers for Diagnosis and Early Relapse Prediction of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) Professor Victor Lee Ho-fun, Dr Eymon Wu Ka-chun (Clinical Oncology, CancerMed, SClinMed) and team 臨床醫學學院癌症醫學中心臨床腫瘤 學系李浩勳教授、 胡嘉雋博士及團隊 • A Novel Cellular System for Anti-ageing Drug Discovery Professor Liu Pengtao (Biomedical Sciences), Dr Feng Zhen, Professor Liu Fang, and Dr Ruan Degong (Centre for Translational Stem Cell Biology) 生物醫學學院劉澎濤教授、幹細胞轉化 研究中心馮珍博士、劉芳教授及 阮德功博士 • Cinnamaldehyde Polymeric Prodrug for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases Professor Wang Weiping and Dr Zhang Yaming (Pharmacology and Pharmacy) 藥理及藥劑學系汪衛平教授及張雅茗博士 • A Photo-responsive Protein Delivery System based on a Modified PAMAM Polymer Professor Wang Weiping, Dr Li Yafei, Dr Zhang Yaming and Dr Zhou Yang (Pharmacology and Pharmacy) 藥理及藥劑學系汪衛平教授、 李亞霏博士、張雅茗博士及周揚博士 Please scan the QR code for Silver and Bronze Medal winners 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽 銀獎與銅獎得主 Please scan the QR code for the Chinese translations of the Gold Medal projects 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽金獎項 目中文介紹 53 HKUMed News Summer 2024 主 要獎 項 成就