
Department of Emergency Medicine, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院急症醫學系 Professor Abraham Wai Ka-chung has been appointed Clinical Associate Professor of Practice. 衛家聰教授獲任命為 臨床實務副教授。 School of Nursing 護理學院 Professor Suen Yi-nam has been appointed Assistant Professor. 孫伊南教授獲任命為助理教授。 Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy 藥理及藥劑學系 Professor Joseph Edgar Blais has been appointed Assistant Professor. Joseph Edgar Blais教授獲任命 為助理教授。 Professor Vivian Lin Kwang-wen 林光汶教授 Executive Associate Dean; Professor of Practice (Public Health) 行政副院長; 實務教授(公共衞生) Professor Vivian Lin joined the Faculty as Executive Associate Dean in March 2019 and concurrently as Professor of Practice (Public Health). She has more than 40 years of experience in public health, with a variety of leading roles in policy and programme development, health services planning, research and teaching, and senior administration in complex organisations. She was the Director of the School of Public Health of the Faculty in 2022-2023. The Faculty is immensely grateful to Professor Lin for her unwavering dedication and outstanding contribution. Her invaluable advice and expertise have been instrumental in driving the significant progress of the School of Public Health and human capital development at HKUMed. Under her exceptional leadership, she has provided essential guidance and solid groundwork, laying a strong foundation for those who follow in her footsteps. 林光汶教授於2019年3月加入李嘉誠醫學院,獲任命為行政副院 長,同時兼任實務教授(公共衞生),於2022-23年期間擔任公共 衞生學院院長。林教授在公共衞生範疇經驗甚豐,40多年來於政 策與項目發展、醫療健康服務規劃、研究及教學,以及高層行政 管理擔任多個領導職位。 醫學院衷心感激林教授多年來的卓越貢獻和無私奉獻。林教授的 真知灼見與專業知識,在推動公共衞生學院及醫學院人力資本的 全面發展發揮了關鍵作用。憑藉卓越的領導能力,林教授為醫學 院的長遠發展給予重要指導,為後繼者的工作奠定了堅實的根基。 Fond farewell to other staff members who have left the Faculty as of 30 June 2024 (scan the QR code for details) 為截至2024年6月30日離開學院的成員送上感謝與祝福 (詳情請掃描二維碼) Thank You and Goodbye 感謝卸任學院成員貢獻 71 HKUMed News Summer 2024