13 February 2023
MBBS Specialty-based Career Workshops are organised for students to explore various clinical specialties as potential career paths. Since 2021/22, eight workshops have been hosted, covering topics on Clinical Oncology, Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Critical Care Medicine, Public Health, Psychiatry, and Medicine. This regular event is open to all MBBS students, especially those in clinical years, to help them explore their interests and career options.

During the workshops, held on 22 November and 15 December 2022, as well as 2 and 13 February 2023, teachers and alumni shared their expertise and experiences in their clinical specialties, providing valuable insights and guidance to our students. The objective of these Workshops is to help students make informed decisions about their future careers and provide them with a better understanding of the many different clinical specialties they can pursue.


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